The Bridges at Mission uses Eversound headphones which can broadcast up to 20 headphones at the same time. We not only use the headphones to include our hard of hearing residents in daily exercises, bingo, sing-a-longs, etc. but also link the headphones to our phones for music (Pandora), to our TV for programs and movies, and also our newest toy, the IN2L computer monitor.
Some features are :
- Ergonomic Volume Dial : Each pair features an ergonomic
and easy-to-use personal volume dial. - Hearing-Aid Friendly : Improves residence hearing whether or
not the user wears hearing aids. - Less Wires : Eversound is fully wireless.
- Personal Volume Control : Every Resident can control their
personal audio experience by rotating the volume dial. - Connect to Any Audio Source : Connects to any audio source
with physical audio output.